Emote thumbnail issue

The emote Hyperfast 5G Dance Move is broken.


Thumbnail of the emote = Pose on our Roblox profile when using “Edit Profile Picture” feature.

However, the thumbnail of the emote is in t-pose and needs work.

I have uploaded a picture that shows it in a simplified way.

In a nutshell, the old “thumbnail” of the emote needs to return (like it was in April, 2022) and also it needs to be compatible with “edit profile picture” so it displays correctly on our profiles and not t-pose.

I will provide more emotes that are also experiencing this bug, however some are only experiencing a thumbnail issue and the emote pose displays correctly on profiles.

But take a look anyways:



Hello and thank you for reaching out. Currently the web 3D viewer does not support posing of skinned meshes. This is due to limitation of the OBJ format being used by the viewer. There are future plans to move to gltf, but no time frame for it yet.

We appreciate your patience and understanding

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