I am trying to get a custom emote to work in the built in Roblox Emote Wheel and I have followed the Documentation for Emotes closely, even using the example code as it is to make sure there are no errors. I have looked for other topics on the Emote Wheel but there aren’t a lot of resources.
Whenever I select the custom emote in the Emote Wheel, I get an error that pops up in the interface that says, “You cannot use Emotes right now.”
The LocalScript, which located in StarterCharacterScripts is as follows:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local humanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
local humanoidDescription = humanoid.HumanoidDescription
-- Set custom emotes within a table
local emoteTable = {
["Hello"] = {3576686446},
["Stadium"] = {3360686498},
["Tilt"] = {3360692915},
["Shrug"] = {3576968026},
["Salute"] = {3360689775},
["Point"] = {3576823880},
["Custom1"] = {16466153570}
-- Equip emotes in a specific order
local equippedEmotes = {"Hello", "Stadium", "Tilt", "Shrug", "Salute", "Point", "Custom1"}
For context, the animation is currently set to loop, though I’ve tried it on and off loop but to no avail. The animation priority is currently set to Action, which I have also changed around but got the same result.
Other things I have tried:
- Testing with and without a modified character animation script.
- Calling the custom emote by the name I gave it when uploaded to Roblox
- Using different characters, currently equipped avatar on Roblox and the Blocky R15 character set to be the StarterCharacter
- Playing the emote via
, however I get an error in Output saying, "No emote exists with name Custom1 ". - Duplicating one of the existing emotes. It works, however it cannot be called via
- Calling
via a LocalScript, however it still tells me the emote does not exist. - Playing the emote through replacing one of the /e emote animations. It works through that method, but not through the Emote Wheel.
- Disabling and removing all other scripts I have added to the place
The button that I have to play the emote via Humanoid:PlayEmote("Custom1")
has the following Script:
local prompt = script.Parent.ProximityPrompt
script.Parent["Click Sound"]:Play()
Recording of the errors:
When I press the button or when I call PlayEmote() via LocalScript:

If you can give me any pointers on coming up with a solution or other tests I can run, I’d appreciate it!