Empower Luau creation: Public Luau Dataset initiative needs your help

Oh neat! Once I get back to coding I’ll be sure to share my code to be used as training data.

I spend years on the platform and have gotten quite a good understanding of Luau and optimizing logic and algorithms.
So I hope that’ll be useful with improving the AI model, which in turn should also help other developers who make use of it.

I haven’t actually looked into it yet but is this just an option you can enable from within studio or is there a special way of providing the training data?


Thank you! You can opt-in existing experiences here: https://create.roblox.com/data-collection


I also have a bunch of legal questions.

So the terms of contribution state that if I contribute, I basically give Roblox permission to use my work however they desire to use it.

  1. Does this only apply to the code I provided (not to images, models, etc)?

  2. Does my work become “copyright free” to anyone or is it only Roblox who can use it how they wish?

  3. Can I still copyright-protect my work just as a general protection from unauthorized use / impersonation, just as long as Roblox themselves can basically still use it in any way?

  4. Can I trust the company Roblox that my provided data is going to get used responsibly? Will I get notified if it is used for something else than machine learning?


That is correct, at the moment only public experiences can be contributed. We will consider including private experiences in the future. Thanks!


I appreciate that this feature is opt-in and that Roblox is not offering carrot stick benefits to rush contributors into the AI ecosystem contrary to some odd requests for that above. I don’t have any plans to submit code to the dataset but will continue to contribute to the creator community and ecosystems via resources, tutorials and contributions to the creator documentation.


I’m so tired of AI. So very, very tired.


Sounds interesting. I think I might contribute in the near future.

Quick question by the way, if someone were to submit let’s say code with errors, would the AI have issues with that?

EDIT: Just shared code from three of my games!


For everyone who keeps asking “What do I get in return” I advise you read the webpage provided.


Thank you for your willingness to contribute. We clean the code from errors, sensitive information, etc. before adding it to the dataset, so you don’t have to worry about it. Thanks!


Hopefully, EVERYONE contributes so the AI can teach everyone the complicated ways of scripting, thus making it easier for everyone to get what they want. Those that do not contribute are as selfish as the rich.


That’s some aggressive guilt tripping. There are many resources, tools and pathways to learning a craft and AI is, albeit (somewhat understandably) disliked, one of them. Whether it’s AI, tutorials or documentation online, you can also use that to teach yourself. Every craft will require effort.

It’s reasonable for people not to contribute to AI and everyone’s decision, whether to contribute or not, should be respected. Let’s not put fellow developers down for being adverse to AI.


In the end, the achievement of AI is to replace humans with a machine. It may help the community with learning, but even that is human contributions being replaced by a machine. I see it as inherently a risk to developers and a benefit to roblox because roblox has less of a dependency on skilled programmers if it gives a skilled programmer to everyone for free.


You don’t get anything tangible in return, is what people are discussing.


There can be several reasons someone might not want to contribute. They might not want their code being shared, they could be afraid of a data breach, or they might just not trust Roblox (which might be in the minds of a few people, considering that Roblox hasn’t met a lot of requests the developer community has). Whether someone wants to give away their work or not is not a key definer of the type of person they are.


Are IP addresses considered PII in this context?



When this dataset becomes available, I will try to fine-tune MetaAI’s Llama 2 model to see what comes out.


I tried many times to enroll in this program, however it does not let me for some reason :confused:

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Indeed, that is one of the issues. There are no guides for specific functions or abilities to add to one’s experience. Of course, it is sporadic for one to get an answer for anything they ask in the support channel in the server, so this is why chatgtp was the solution, thankfully This AI is better, as it was created by Roblox, it knows more about Roblox’s specific lua capabilities.

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Whats in it for us? Why should we give our code to help some dumb AI? at least give us a white button/pin accessory that says “I donated my code to help a robot”

Im not gonna donate just for a “warm feeling” in my heart lol


Indeed, it’s that “warm feeling” that has driven many technological advancements as a humanity. If nobody were willing to contribute, we would remain stagnant in our progress. :wink:

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