Hi there. (just got new member so excuse me if i’m dumb)
So i was thinking abaut a game, where you race on foot, (minigame but that’s not the point) and got stuck on something rather odd…
if hit.Name == workspace.MainCP.name then
local Cycle = 0
local AOK = false
local FalseCount = 0
Cycle = Cycle + 1
if _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == "" then --this is the part
FalseCount = FalseCount + 1
until _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == nil
Cycle = 0
if FalseCount == 0 then
Cycle = Cycle + 1
_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] = ""
until Cycle == _G.ACP
_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][2] = _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][2] + 1
So yeah
if _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == "" then
returns true no matter what.
I even tried to have it fire only when it was false. (Basically count the checkpoints and if you have all it will give you a lap.) Unlike now where i check if it has some checkpoints missing.
Any chance you guys could help me? Or is this a lost cause?
So what are you even assigning to that element in the table?
It seems you have both nil, strings and numbers in there.
I had to reduce the code a bit, to make it readable - instead of constantly seeing those long table-addressing statements:
local Cycle = 0
local AOK = false
local FalseCount = 0
local searchTable = _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]]
Cycle = Cycle + 1
if searchTable[Cycle + 2] == "" then
FalseCount = FalseCount + 1
until searchTable[Cycle + 2] == nil
if FalseCount == 0 then
Cycle = 0
Cycle = Cycle + 1
searchTable[Cycle + 2] = ""
until Cycle == _G.ACP -- What is 'ACP'? I suppose it is a number.
searchTable[2] = searchTable[2] + 1 -- This is not a string, so what is it used for?
print(searchTable[2]) -- What information does this give you?
I won’t lie. After taking a while to think about this, I have no idea what you tried to achieve.
Basically - On first hit of MainCP part (from Workspace) there seems to be no checkpoints applied so FalseCount = 0. That’s where the second repeat loop runs and assigns all checkpoints from 3 to _G.ATP to “”. That’s why it always does contain “”.
if hit.Parent == workspace.Checkpoints then
local Cycle = 0
local Found = false
local CCP = 0
Cycle = Cycle + 1
if _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == "" then
CCP = CCP + 1
elseif _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == hit.Name then
Found = true
until Found or CCP == _G.ACP
if CCP == _G.ACP then
local Cycle = 0
Cycle = Cycle + 1
until _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == nil
_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] = hit.Name
What you do is completely not needed.
if not (hit.Parent == game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Checkpoints")) then return end -- Do not accept any other instances than those parented to Checkpoints in Workspace
local Number = hit.Name:match("(%d+)Checkpoint") -- Returns you the checkpoint number (%d stands for digit and it tries to find it)
if not Number then return end -- Does not match the pattern. Is not a CP.
_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Number] = true -- Save that person reached the CP
In previous script. That’s hard to think what you tried to make, but tried to simplify the process a lot. Now taking care of LapCount.
if hit.Name == workspace.MainCP.name then
local Cycle = 0
local AOK = false
local FalseCount = 0
Cycle = Cycle + 1
if _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == "" then
FalseCount = FalseCount + 1
until _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] == nil
Cycle = 0
if FalseCount == 0 then
Cycle = Cycle + 1
_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Cycle + 2] = ""
until Cycle == _G.ACP
_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][2] = _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][2] + 1
Changed to
if hit == game.Workspace:WaitForChild("MainCP") then -- Why to compare name when you can just compare the instance?
for i = 1, _G.ACP do -- Check from 1 to total checkpoint count
if not _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][i] then
return -- Checkpoint not reached
-- Clear all the checkpoint data now
for i = 1, _G.ACP do -- Check from 1 to total checkpoint count
_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][i] = nil
-- If one of checkpoints wasn't reached the function would exit already (on the return command). If it didn't, user passed all checkpoints.
-- Do some lap assigning here. Make sure it does not conflict with CPs (_G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]][Number])
Seems that _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]] is sometimes nil. Don’t get surprised if an error pops up when you hit CP / MainCP. But that’s not big deal! just add _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]] = {} somewhere! Same with _G[script.Parent.Name.."Table"]
You shouldn’t rely on global (_G) table.
If I helped with the issue, I would appreciate marking my response as the answer.
Also I fixed two typos.
Edit: Just realized I forgot to add checkpoint data clearing up. Updated the previous post. Should be perfect now. As said I did touch only CPCount and LapCount, so you might want to adjust the Workspace.Start and MyTable script to work with those changes.
should i give credit (cuz you fixed it)
and the thing is… where is the lap number stored again?
and the thing i tried was that i would
create a table of racing players from racing team
create a table for each (1.st value is the name and the 2.nd is the lap number and from 3 it’s the checkpoints)
write down the checkpoints touched (whitout duplication)
check if the checkpoints are there
if yes: empty the table from value 3 and up untill it hits nil and lap count goes up by one
if no: sit there existing
No need to give the credit. If you wish I can get the rest fixed for you (laps and things). I only touched the CP problem now. I left you a comment where to assign a lap.
Yes. If you really wish to store the laps in the same table use _G.RacingPeeps[_G[script.Parent.Name…“Table”]][_G.ACP + 1]
This uses value 1 greater than all checkpoints.
WOW thx man… starting to like the forums already
it works
I have a game where it’s a cluster of minigames you can choose from, and earn credit (G), and spend it, and that’s where this will end up in.
I have an already working model, with power-ups and all that, but it lacks the whole “position” part and only tracks wins (hence the rework).