Enabling just one BillboardGUI is causing a crazy amount of lag

Whenever I am in Roblox Studio, having just one billboardGUI visible will cause an insanely long render time (see attached video). The FPS drop goes away if the billboard is disabled or is outside of the max distance. There also is no drop in FPS if the camera is not being moved.

A couple of things to note:

  • My game has a lot of parts. 130k to be exact.
  • I have tried disabling all plugins.
  • I have a very high-end gaming PC

Any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it?

Have you looked further into what exactly is the culprit of the high runtime in the detailed mode of the microprofiler? That might lead to more conclusive results as to what specifically is causing all of this lag

Maybe it is taking up to much memory in the game, can you send a screenshot on how many GUI parts are in it?

This is from a frame that is taking a long time. It appears that adorn is the culprit, but I honestly don’t know how to use the microprofiler that well so I’m not sure what it means.

Passes Interface to world Gui such as Billboard & Surface Gui (3d UI). This is expensive & can commonly be a culprit of performance issues.

It would appear this is the culprit, yes

Apparently its a known issue too

As for how to fix it Im really not sure
You might be able to make a “custom” billboard gui perhaps?

There are a lot of GUI parts for sure. However, I tried deleting every single GUI object and then added just one billboardGUI with the same result.

I do not know is their any scripts you did not make it could be a malisious script causing lag

Bummer! At least it doesn’t happen in a live game, this is only affecting me in studio. I’m surprised more devs aren’t complaining about this. I suspect there is something in our games that is causing this.

I just made a discovery. This only happens when the billboardGUI is using scale sizing. Offset sizing renders normally. Presumably because studio only renders the billboardGUI when it changes.

This has been an issue for a couple of months now. It does affect my live game.

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I’m sure it affects my live game but to a much lesser extent. All my max distances are set to 80. There was a link in the bug report above with a Roblox staff member saying that GUI are rendered only when they change, which would explain why using offset instead of scale fixes it. Obviously, we can’t only use offset in our scenario.

I haven’t been able to find a solution to this yet other than to not use scale or disable billboardGUIs. I’m going to keep looking to see if there is something we can do, but this may just be that Roblox staff needs to fix it.

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Well…I figured out how to fix this fps drop by random chance after dealing with it for months. When I click the UI (eye icon) in studio to disable the UI and then turn it back on, the fps problems go away.

EDIT: It actually just appears to be having the “Select”, “Move”, "Scale, or “Rotate” tools selected. If those are all off then the problem goes away.