I’m finalizing my main menu but one part doen’t work, so how my main menu works is that as soon as you load into the game, you are met with a loading screen (that loads everything obviously) then it shows a cutscene about what the game is about, with a play button on the bottom left of the screen, when the player clicks the “play” button it will show a transition screen and re-enable core GUI that was disabled during the loading screen and cut-scenes, from there it’ll show a team picking GUI, how it shows the team-picking-GUI is that it just enables the Screen GUI Container that contains all the GUI and scripts.
as you can see, “TeamChosingUI” is the ScreenGUI Container that i was talking about that i enable in-between the transition
well, half of it works, when you click the “play” button the core GUI is re-enabled but you can’t see the team-picking UI, even though the screenGUI container is enabled, you can’t see the UI, i checked if i left the UI’s visible to false, that wasn’t the case.
as you can see, after i press “play” and the play button disappears the “enabled” is true, but you can’t see the GUI
local playButton = script.Parent
local tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
local frame = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Frame")
playButton.TextTransparency = 0
--team chosing UI vars
local TCUI = game.StarterGui.TeamChoosingUI
[[--how to script works is if the player clicks the button "play"
it'll tween a black frame's transparency to 1,
waits one second, then back to zero creating a cool transition scene,
but after the first tween that sets the frames transparency
to one (showing the whole black frame, it is suppose to enable the UI
that shows the team picking, so when the black frame goes back to 1 transparency the player will see the team picking GUI. but it doesn't really do that.
local function freeplr()
playButton.TextTransparency = 1
-variables for the tweens
local o = tween:Create(frame,TweenInfo.new(1), {Transparency = 0})
local t = tween:Create(frame,TweenInfo.new(1), {Transparency = 1})
playButton.Parent.Enabled = false
if o.PlaybackState == Enum.PlaybackState.Completed then -- so once "o" is compeleted it will run this.
TCUI.Enabled = true
--the code above is the important part
--this code below is just re-enabling core GUI that was disabled during the main menu cutscene.
SG:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, true)
UIS.ModalEnabled = false
UIS.MouseIconEnabled = true
as you can see, everything works, except for the enabling part.
Desktop 2021 06 04 15 18 52 03 - YouTube