I think that rather than having a zero-tolerance policy for troll posts, we should maybe have an off-topic board where it’s not intrusive to post this stuff.
Also, maybe not be able to level up etc. using that forum.
I think that rather than having a zero-tolerance policy for troll posts, we should maybe have an off-topic board where it’s not intrusive to post this stuff.
Also, maybe not be able to level up etc. using that forum.
There’s this category for Regulars.
Not necessarily. Something needs to change about forum moderation to ameliorate the user experience on the forum.
The existing system is just “flag and ignore”. This is the issue because it can likely take several hours for a topic or post to be taken down. Flagging posts does not work anymore at this scale because the forum is very open and it’s easy to be promoted to Member. Because of its openness, malicious users can post away, which is a problem that will only get worse.
While Roblox figures out some type of way to handle moderation now and into the future, implementing a zero-tolerance policy for these troll posts will presumably help this issue in the meantime.
Troll posts are indeed rather painful for the forum due to the fact that they intentionally cause annoyment so I believe they should be discouraged as much as possible.
However, I’m not sure about joke posts which are just made for a bit of laugh without actually trolling anyone; these posts will be removed but probably shouldn’t be treated as strictly as troll posts (unless there’s just too many of them).
It depends on the scenario. I know that there are a lot of troll/meme creations which are at least trying to look good. Those aren’t necessarily troll posts; if they’re looking for genuine help or feedback, they’re more than welcome to do so.
However, there’s this one user (who I won’t name) who is excellent at creating troll posts. And they are extremely low-effort. Filling the UI with low resolution memes, everything oversaturated, with unbearable sounds in the background. The posts say “plz i spent 100 hrs long time on this i need feedback my best game plz help me
I’ve seen many posts made by this user, and so far all they’ve received is just feedback (their topics got closed I think). I’m not saying they have any malicious intentions, but it’s annoying to see.
The problem is, there isn’t any clear boundary between low effort and high effort. The above example is obviously low effort, but it’s possible that high-effort posts will get mistaken for trolls.
Just woke up and saw that this topic has gotten a lot of attention! Gonna combine replies here!
This is a serious forum. There is no place for that sort of thing here. That’s a complete waste of space.
Replying to a post once in a silly way is fine. But if you are making entire topics for the sole reason for trolling, that isn’t humorous, it’s a waste of space and an eye sore.
The reason it isn’t professional? Because of troll posts like this. This forum is intended to be a professional forum:
This is not about off topic threads. This is about blatant trolling.
Unfortunately, that is not a valid solution. Being on the forum is a privilege, not a right. Saying that trolling wouldn’t happen if #lounge was open is not an acceptable answer, you have to follow the rules, not say that this wouldn’t happen if you were given more permissions or more categories.
This is a game, a video game Forum. You can’t be expecting every post to be professionally written and then ban them when they mess up.
I never said that? Being off-topic isn’t what this topic is about. Blatant trolling ruins the professionalism of the forum. Please re-read my OP.
Trolling isn’t a mistake. People who make these topics know what they are doing
It’s already made abundantly clear that trolling isn’t okay, any trollers are already warned / suspended. That doesn’t mean ban hammer instantly at the first mistake.
It isn’t tolerated, troll posts are deleted and some are suspended. What your saying is this isn’t severe enough. What I’m saying is what your proposing will never work. It’s too harsh.
That isn’t enough. So what if a post is taken down? Who cares? The user already got what they wanted.
That doesn’t mean ban hammer everyone. This isn’t a professional forum, it will never be. The people that make troll posts are just inexperienced, they will learn through experience (warning / suspension) trolling isn’t okay and going forward they’d know not to do it again. That doesn’t mean you ban them at the first violation.
Sorry, but people who make troll posts do not deserve the privilege of being on this forum. These users know what they are doing, (you don’t accidentally make a troll topic). It should be unacceptable.
That is your opinion, and clearly ROBLOX would disagree with you as this is how the system was set up. I believe it’s a three strike system, which allows you to make some mistakes but not too many. It’s good as is. What your suggesting would discourage users from the platform with such a harsh policy.
My final reply to this argument:
I’ve already stated this is for blatant troll posts, not any other rule violation. People who make topics such as the among us topic know what they are doing, I do not understand why they deserve a second chance.
That’s good. Trolling should not be tolerated in any way shape or form. Simple as that.
People make mistakes, this is a platform for new developers, it’s going to happen. Doesn’t mean you have to be harsh and ban them instantly for it.
I’m sorry, but in my mind making a troll post such as the among us post, the sandwich post, or the attractions post is not an accident. It’s not a mistake. It’s a person degrading the forums quality by making troll posts to be “funny”.
You have to understand, no one reads the rules (at least the people that do this). So they won’t know there’s a no tolerance policy. They make the post, they get banned, they never use ROBLOX again. It’s just too harsh and bad policy. New developers will make these mistakes. They learn when their suspended or warned. Getting banned won’t teach them anything other then that there’s a really harsh rule in place.
If they don’t read the rules, I can’t feel bad for them. The new user tutorial recommends you to read the rules. If a user ignores it? Their fault. Imagine Roblox not banning users who bypass with racial slurs because that user didn’t read the rules. Doesn’t matter. Always read the rules.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. These users come right back and make posts like this, sometimes on an alt.
They could always appeal? For trolling, I suggest banning first in case they are truly a troll, and if they appeal that they didn’t know the rules, let DET decide this. Sorry, but I cannot feel sympathy for users who do not read the rules and then break a major rule.
It was a professional forum before it opened to the public. That’s how it was originally intended. It focused more on people smarter than I or more famous than I, and it was a unique place for professional developers to interact with each other and roblox staff. We needed a public forum and I think that needs to have been separate like we used to have rather than just making this one public, but I’m not in charge. My point is, it definitely lost a lot of quality and was intended to be a professional forum. Not a chat room for players to discuss what they think of front page games.