Endless landscape

I’ve been working on this for a few years. Moving away turned out to be easier than coming back, resulting in over 20 overhauled versions. I finally got it working, but it’s still far from totally polished.

this is cool but maybe turn it into another version of minecraft or add events idk. rn u just walk aorund, theres nothing to do.

also, ur bottom to ui arent circular on my computer, idk if thats intentioanla

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I agree, I just got it fully working the other day. I had a major problem with the land losing track of itself and not being able to recreate where I was if I moved too far away. The crazy thing is, now it’s endless, no matter which direction you go. As far as the server sees, there is nothing there but the player. So, there’s plenty of room for more without adding lag… This is basicly a test, the icons are there to help me test. I did go look at what you were talking about. They are meant to be that way.
Some of the trees need to go a bit lower however.

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