Taking me a significant amount of my time to find a solid way to access this information, I thought it would be good to add this as a community resource.
local placeId = "84976829061811" --Id that can be found in the address bar when in a game's URL/web address similar to a user Id
local data = {} --variable to store the collected data in
local http = game:GetService("HttpService") --reference to HttpService
data[1] = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(""..placeId.."/universe")) --gets game Id from place Id
data[2] = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(""[1]["universeId"])) --gets large amount of data from game Id
data[3] = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(""[1]["universeId"].."/votes")) --gets up votes/down votes (likes/dislikes)
print(data) --shows collected data in the output
This is just meant to be used as a community resource on the unrestricted endpoints to be of help in saving the time of some people. If someone has the time they may write a tutorial resource based off this such as using pcalls.
I hope this came up on first search if someone is looking for this