Hello. I was just wondering why my ends aren’t automatic anymore. Does anyone know?
If so, thanks.
Had this happen like 2 months ago, it’ll probably sort itself out if you restart studio
But the script prediction should auto-complete end statements after you return on lines with ‘do’,‘function ()’, ‘then’, and maybe some other ones.
If you don’t see a change after restarting studio then double check in your studio’s settings under Script Editor so that autocomplete is set to true.
I can’t reproduce this?
Have you by any chance changed your studio settings?
I haven’t changed any settings.
Of course that won’t work! while true then
is not valid syntax.
The syntax for a while loop is
while exp do
I’ve tried everything, not just while loops. I did while true do and that normally has an end but it doesn’t seem to show.
I’ll check my settings to see if I can change anything there.
Are you absolutely certain?
Yes. I factory resetted my pc 2 days ago and installed roblox studio. I have changed my settings and that did work. It was also with indents.