Enemy AC130! Above!

How does this look, anything wrong with it that I could fix? (Like the wings or wheels and what not)


Wow! Does it actually fly?
A few suggestions:

  • Maybe add some more design on the fuselage? Ex. a flag, plane name, etc (though this probably wouldn’t be militarily accurate, at least the plane wouldn’t be all grey)
  • Some colour on the propellers wouldn’t hurt.
  • The edges on the plane are especially noticeable on the nosecone. Maybe flatten those out more?
  • From the pictures I’ve seen, the AC-130 has more rectangular propellers than the ones here.
  • IDK if I’m confused by the perspective, but shouldn’t the wings be longer? The outer propellers should be located at most half the length of one wing.

This is just nitpicking. Great job!

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Afraid it doesn’t fly.
The wings I tried making as long as I could without over extending.
I will move the propellers out some more and make the blades* more sqaure.

I think this is great! I must address a few concerns. Is it supposed to be all one color? Also, could you make the windows more transparent? Otherwise, well done!

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The windows are completely solid because the inside is hollow (and there’s nothing in it, woopsie!)
No, not meant to be one colour, I am addressing that rn.

Keep up the good work! I like your builds!

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Good plane. I almost thought that was a free model :joy: sorry sorry. But anyways, great plane. Have less windows to make the design look better, and larger wheels on the plane. I rate that a 8/10

Thanks for hearing my advice.

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