Enemy not rotating tower defense?

I recently revamped my movement system so it can play animations and do some other cool stuff, to do that i just covered the entire enemy with a part named hitbox and i anchored it and i welded the humanoidrootpart to it, and it works, i made a tween to rotate it to the next node, but the tween is not playing.


local enemies = game.ServerStorage.Enemies
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local nodes = game.Workspace.Nodes
local node = nodes:GetChildren()[1]

function spawnEnemy(typeOf)
	local zom = typeOf:Clone()
	zom.Parent = workspace
	return zom

function moveEnemy(Enemy)
	for i = 1, #nodes:GetDescendants() do
		local dist = (Enemy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position - node.CFrame.Position).Magnitude
		local speed = Enemy.Configuration.Speed.Value
		local Time = dist/speed
		print("dist:"..dist, " Speed:"..speed, " Time:"..Time)
		local info = TweenInfo.new(Time, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)

		local tween = ts:Create(Enemy.Hitbox, info, {CFrame = node.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,Enemy.Hitbox.Size.Y/2-node.Size.Y/2,  0)})
		local dec = node:GetChildren()
		node = dec[1]

       	-- Rotating

		local info = TweenInfo.new(0.3)

		local tween2 = ts:Create(Enemy.Hitbox, info, {
			CFrame = CFrame.new(Enemy.Hitbox.Position, node.Position) 



you dont wait for tween2 to finish playing and it gets overtaken by a newly created tween since there is no wait, when you tween the CFrame it also tweens the rotation even if it isnt defined

now instead of rotating it, it just tilts the entire enemy, pic:

it starts off normal, but then when it reaches the next node, instead of rotating, it just tilts.

thats at at different X or Z rotation, only rotate the Y axis so he doesnt tilt, so just make a Vector3 and make them have the same Y and it should be fixed

oop, sorry, apparently the hitbox was just not rotated correctly (the front was on the left of the dummy, now it kindof works.)