What are you attempting to achieve?
I am trying to fix the enemy humanoids jumping up and down in multi player environment of my game.
What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
Please watch my video I recorded to explain this issue.
What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)
Yes I have tried different custom physical properties and no luck.
Here is the link to the game if you need to see and feel this yourself. Maybe this might give you a better clue as to what is happening when you see the physics of it.
I know you said you tried custom physical properties already, but I do recall someone having a similar issue to you a while back. They had these NPC animals that would work fine in PlaySolo, but fling into the air in servers.
I’ll try to find the post, but from what I remember, the issue was with the fact the parts had mass. Have you tried anything specifically with the NPC’s weapons?
edit:can’t seem to find it, but I distinctly remember it. i would try looking at either the humanoid of the NPC itself or the parts attached to see what’s making them ‘jump’, then take it from there
The NPC weapons are sword and shield. Which are masses of 0.01, unanchored and cannot collide. Sword is held by the Handle and shield is welded to the left hand.
Don’t NPC’s have a property allowing them to jump?
If you disable this they shouldn’t jump. You said you tried custom properties, but I don’t know if you considered this as a custom property or not.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
I tested with the NPC Humanoid Jump Power as 0 before. It still has the same problem. Plus, I would still like my NPCs to be able to jump if possible. If they have to jump up to follow the players in their path finding for example.
I fixed the problem. The model’s Humanoids were all had hip height higher than 1.35.
Even though I set the hip height manually in the code when these models get Clone()'ed, I had to change that right in Roblox Studio properties view window of the Humanoids. This is weird… Anyways, the fix has been uploaded to the demo game and seems to be ok for now.