Enemy that can hear your microphone

Hi there! as a developer i’m sure most of us are curious on ways we can further implement the use of voice chat, and one of my thought were

how could we go about making a game similar to “Ayuwoki” where the monster will come to your location if you make a noise or your voice is detected

I was curious how this could be done on Roblox, or If It’s even possible, I’m not sure what the limit’s are for voice chat but would love some help on figuring out if this is possible and if it’s already been done.

Thanks for your help and would love to get your guys’ opinion on this.

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When the voice chat was newly released, there was an event called PlayerMicActivitySignalChange that allowed you to detect changes in the voice chat, though now it is deprecated.

I don’t really know if there’s another way, as the UI is in CoreGui.
Possibly, the new Audio API might be useful, give it a shot using the new instances.


i’ll actually test that and let you know! :slight_smile:

but i hope to see more with Voice chat in the future.