Engine Bug: Destroying Highlight's parent crashes client and studio

I am aware that this should be in #bug-reports but I’m not able to create messages there. If someone could move it there, that would be appreciated.

When you have an Highlight object parented to a ProximityPrompt, calling :Destroy() on the ProximityPrompt closes both Studio and Client with no “ROBLOX Crash” message. The Highlight is Adornee’d to the ProximityPrompt’s parent.

I’ve attached a video demonstrating the crash:

Crash log is here:
Highlight Crash Report Supplementary - DevForum | Roblox

And the reproduction rbxl:
crashRepro.rbxl (41.8 KB)

Reproduction Steps

  1. Playtest the rbxl
  2. Walk far enough away from the spawn so that the proximityprompt disappears
  3. Game crash

System specs

Send your bug reports as a PM to @Bug-Support.

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