Enhancements to Sponsored Experiences and Ads Manager

lol bruh they are are only pushing updates to the sponsored ads to soften the blow when they remove the web ads, they already announced ‘early Q1 the ads would be removed’ so we have every right to complain, why make your opinion known only after they do what they already told you they were going to do lol.


I am unable to upload images to ads manager i created a bug report but they didn’t check it.


I’m curious to know how are developers still able to create banner ads?


Just fyi, take bid insights with a grain of salt, i’ve already seen it suggest bidding 700% more than was needed, or claim a campaign would fail and be completely wrong. I’m guessing it will always suggest you spend more, because shareholders come first.


If I could dislike - I would. Bring back the old sponsored experience prices!
I can’t afford your stupid minimum bid. Nevermind the suggested bid nonsense


true, the minimum should be like the current banner/tower ads minimum, maybe even raise it up to 100 robux, but charging 6k robux MINIMUM just to run a small campaign to TEST ads which could fail and not get any clicks is just legit highway robbery especially when the majority of developers are kids with no job outside of roblox.

i think they are removing web ads and raising sponsor prices just to siphon off the smaller developers, leaving only the big studios able to pay for advertising, so they are the only ones left gaining enough popularity to reach the front page, just thinning out the heard.


With all due respect, anything under 2800 Robux will not grant your game a stable concurrent, not even for a day.

No I’m talking about minimum bid amount, I used to get plays 3x cheaper than the current minimum.


You can still create banner/skyscraper ads by going directly here:

And you should because this new system is garbage. Even WITH ads fully targeted at my main players, I can spend 4k robux and get about 300 clicks per day, or I can put up a mediocre skyscraper ad spend 4k and get about 2000 clicks per day. There’s not enough room in an icon to actually convince people to play your game.

The only advantage for the new system is people who want to write off the advertising cost on their taxes. What percentage of the community even is that? 0.001%?


I can’t even type it out…
advertise |dot| roblox |dot| com |slash| develop |question mark| Page |equals| ads
Hopefully I don’t get in trouble for trying to direct you TO ROBLOX.


Please fix the inconsistency. I just released a game, used sponsors with a 0.01 budget and it burned through 25% of my daily budget within an hour.

That is what I was talking about. Anything under the minimum bid would be too insignificant to achieve anything of considerable importance, so it would honestly be a better option to set a limit- especially to filter out the bland/spammy ads.

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This is just false and not an argument for minimums, I see player counts raise after spending just a couple thousand robux on web ads, which means it should be the same for sponsored ads, but I get less clicks from the sponsored ads even when spending double or triple the robux that I usually spend on web ads, which is ridiculous and shows there’s a flaw in the system.

What’s strange is how the minimum changed from 50 robux for web ads to a 5,000 robux minimum for sponsored ads, I can understand raising the minimum but that’s a 100x raise, there’s no excuse for that extreme of a price change.

You just need to actually have players in your game before running any advertisements, because even if someone clicks your ad they are less likely to play if they see there are 0 players in the servers.


This is certainly true for sponsored ads. But if they take away web ads (which is what they planned to do), then this basically becomes impossible. Sponsored ads by themselves are pretty much worthless in comparison to web ads when you player count is low. Even when you player count is high though, sponsored ads still don’t bring in as many players.

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the point is that sponsored ads are trash when compared to web ads in terms of clicks if spending the same amount of robux. player counts have nothing to do with it.

Yes, that’s what I said. Player counts do make a difference, but they are still garbage.

Any plans to make immersive ads viable and not botted? No? Alright.

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Ok but is the ad manager less annoying to use yet?


:skull: Yeah I’ve been making posts about this for a while now. Specifically Portal Ads are so botted that they essentially destroy your game’s metrics half the time you use them.