ENLITE Theatre Handbook

ENLITE Theatre Handbook
Hello, the ENLITE Theatre handbook guide contains the following links for easy navigation across our platform. Refer down below for our following links that are associated with the group.


Get the chance to host virtual plays, act in plays, control technical controls, build sets, and much more here at ENLITE Theatre!


Applying Guide

How to apply here at ENLITE Theatre
Applying here at ENLITE Theatre is a great opportunity to get involved within the prominent everlasting community filled with talented players.

Apply at ENLITE Theatre

Once you have applied, make sure to read the role descriptions & to watch anyone of our tutorials on our YouTube channel that is located below.

Role Description

Staff Regulations (For Application Questions)


Being a good staff member
ENLITE Theatre is an interactive, role play theatre. Not all plays will be perfect and that is okay! We are humans, but, plays can be improved if only you work together as a strong connective team!

Make sure to be a good player, listen to the host, follow the rules, be respectful, and to just have fun most importantly!

How do promotions work?
Months at a time, applications will come out for a particular higher rank here at ENLITE. Application resources and information will always be located on our discord server for you to find.

Use of technical controls
Only technical crew’s, and the Director of the play are allowed to use the technical controls! Do NOT use the controls for no good reason, send “Open Curtain Requests” to Director’s if you want the curtains to open & make sure to communicate!

Warning system
Every staff member has a maximum warning count set at 3, once you hit 3 warnings then you will be banned/kicked from the server. Follow the rules and be a good sport in-game. ONLY high rank members can hand out warnings, not regular staff members from Actor to Director.

Use of building tools
Here at ENLITE, we use the F3X Tool. This allows our members to build outstanding sets for plays and to show off their creativity! The F3X Tool should NOT be abused and should be used with respect, and care. Do not grief other people’s builds, you will get warned and banned and all actions are logged with the F3X logs (press F9 or type “/console” in-game to see it)

Hosting plays, and building
All roles can host plays here at ENLITE, and all roles are able to build. Every staff member here at ENLITE has equal priority and no one is “above” one another just because of their role.

Once done applying, make sure to thumbs up the game! We work hard to push out updates for you staff members and we’d love your guys support!

ENLITE Theatre - Roblox

Affiliate Requirements (OPEN)

Before creating an application in the intent of forming an affiliation with us, please make sure that you meet the specific requirements listed below.


[1] Group must have a member count of at least 30,000+ members.
[2] Group must be organized with a professional manner.
[3] Group must have a good reputation and a positive establishment.
[4] Group must have a well-established communications server.
[5] Group must not sell administrative ranks/abilities.
[6] Group must have at minimum 2 representatives and at maximum 4 present in our communications server.

If you would like an exception, please message a member of the Public Relations department and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Affiliate Questions

[1] What group are you submitting an affiliation application for?
[2] Why are you interested in becoming an affiliation of ENLITE Theatre?
[3] Why should ENLITE Theatre form a partnership with your business?
[4] How will the requested group benefit ENLITE Theatre with the potential alliance?

All responses are mandated to be submitted in a well-written Google Document to a member of the Public Relations department.


ENLITE Directing Tutorial

ENLITE F3X Tutorial

ENLITE Theatre Game

ENLITE Theatre Twitter

ENLITE Theatre Application Center