Entire model inside folder going invisible but still collidable


While making an elevator game, I ran into a problem. My elevator goes invisible!

I do not know anything about this. I’ve never ran into a problem like this before! Do you guys have any leads to why this could be happening? Most of the time, it disappears when the elevator doors close, but reappear when the doors open and a map is added to workspace (from serverstorage). I have already looked on the forum but cannot find a solution.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Edit1: Forgot to mention that the elevator model is inside a folder. The doors are a seperate model.

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is there a script at play? Chances are it’s making the entire model transparent but it isn’t changing the CanCollide property to false

I do not believe so, nothing in my elevator script orders my actual elevator model to go invisible. Also, I saw a post from LSPLASH (Doors creator) that the same problem is occurring in their game as well. So I am believing that this is just a bug within Roblox.