Entire models physics freeze as soon as player sits on vehicleseat

hi again, i am currently facing even more problems with physics, this time even worse. i recently began the process of setting up a new train model. this is physics based and is powered by a linearvelocity located in a main part, with all other parts (except doors and parts that are connected by hinge/prismatic constraints) welded to this main part. before the player sits down in the vehicleseat, the physics perform as intended, doors will open and close. however once the player sits in the vehicle seats all physics just stop. nothing works (and yes ALL PARTS ARE UNANCHORED). jumping out of the seat does not fix this problem either. i have got a video to explain what is happening.
robloxapp-20240701-2007215.wmv (4.3 MB)
i have geniunely got no clue what is causing this, i have the older model which has physics working perfectly fine.

You need to make the train server-side, so use a for loop and use SetNetworkOwner(nil) on all the parts of the the train

that hasn’t done anything, nor did setting it to the player sadly

Actually I’ve encountered this same problem and couldnt find a solution, I ended up using hinges instead

i have done some further research and found it is being caused by a script which gives a gui to the player when they sit in the seat

local seat = script.Parent
local playersitting -- blank

	if seat.Occupant == nil then
		if playersitting ~= nil then
			local playerui = playersitting:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
			local gui = playerui:FindFirstChild("s77gui")
			playersitting = nil
		playersitting = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(seat.Occupant.Parent)
		local playerui = playersitting.PlayerGui
		local ui = script.Parent.s77gui:Clone()
        ui.Parent = playerui -- this line specifically is causing the problem, if i remove it the problem is solved

i have no clue how parenting a gui to playerui is causing this, if anybody has an explaination/solution to this please let me know. thanks in advance

after further investigation i have discovered it is infact the linearvelocity causing this. if it is disabled, all physics work as intended however when i enable it all physics on the model just freeze