local Module = require(EnumTable)
Module:CreateEnum("AnyCategory","WorkspacePath",workspace) -- The first arg is the category name, the second one is Enum name, and the third one is Enum value.
print(Module.AnyCategory.WorkspacePath.Name) -- Expected: Workspace
I’ve seen more modules that do this, but this is the first time I see this type of Enum to be edited. A question though, does it have functionality as the real Enum (Value, Name, EnumType not needed)?
Something I would like to see is the ability to add “Enum” items In-Studio, not only using functions.
You seem to be added 2 Module:EditEnum() in your Functions Included part.
Hello, thank you for your comment. It actuallly needs all of the args mentioned in the function. Also thank you for letting me know that I have added 2 of the same functions.
Oh also, about the last part. I can make it a plugin, but you currently gotta set up it for each server. With a plugin, I can make it data storage so it will be global.