EnumTable | Way to create Enums (Technically)

Hello, today I am with you with my new script called “EnumTable”, which allows you to create Enums (technically). You can get it here.

What do you mean technically?

What I mean is, you don’t actually create an EnumItem. You just store some data into the module script, so you can use it with any script anywhere.

Why would I use that?

If you are interested with Enum, it would actually be useful for you if you want to create your custom Enum values.

Functions Included


How to get the Enums that I've created?
local Module = require(EnumTable)
Module:CreateEnum("AnyCategory","WorkspacePath",workspace) -- The first arg is the category name, the second one is Enum name, and the third one is Enum value.
print(Module.AnyCategory.WorkspacePath.Name) -- Expected: Workspace

Please let me know your ideas, in the comments.

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I’ve seen more modules that do this, but this is the first time I see this type of Enum to be edited. A question though, does it have functionality as the real Enum (Value, Name, EnumType not needed)?

Something I would like to see is the ability to add “Enum” items In-Studio, not only using functions.

You seem to be added 2 Module:EditEnum() in your Functions Included part.

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Hello, thank you for your comment. It actuallly needs all of the args mentioned in the function. Also thank you for letting me know that I have added 2 of the same functions.

Oh also, about the last part. I can make it a plugin, but you currently gotta set up it for each server. With a plugin, I can make it data storage so it will be global.

Have a good day!

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Cool module, but this can be accomplished by doing something like this:

local EnumTest = {
  local EnumCategory = {
    MyEnum = "MyEnum";
    Better = "Better";

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").PlayerInput.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr: Player, inpt: string)
  if inpt ==EnumTest.EnumCategory.MyEnum then
    print("Player selected MyEnum.")
    print("Player selected Better.")
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Yes, but you can’t always edit the Enums anytime normally. This is what makes the script special.

local EnumTest = {
  local EnumCategory = {
    MyEnum = "MyEnum";
    Better = "Better";

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ModifyEnum.Event:Connect(function(name: string, category: string, newval)
 EnumTest[category][name] = newval;

You can already do this by just modifying a tables values, with a single line


Yep, but this way is less complicated for beginners. And it is my purpose to make it easier for them.