Enzos Icon Pack


Hello :wave: i have been working on this icon pack for a while now! and i wanted to release it enjoy.
Preview :



Just wanted to emphasize the ReadMe file before anyone uses it.

The Soical Media Icons are known to get deleted alot so just be careful when uploading upload on a alt account
and do not name them by their names when uploaded you will 100% get banned/warned.


Yeah its not supposes to warn you for those and it still happends for some reason you are allowed to upload yt or dc “x” icons but you still get warned for some reason :frowning:

Thanks Enzo I was looking for an icon pack :slight_smile:

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Weird, I uploaded the X logo to roblox and didn’t get warned, but I will experiment it

Not every image uploaded is an png file, Some are webp files that aren’t supported by Roblox

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Oh yeah my bad i will update it today the x logo i mean twitter" sometimes you get warned not 100%

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The webp files are now removed and converted to png

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Watch me turn all of them into jpgs, so I have enough differences to make Soleil’s Icon Pack.



Website looks a bitttttt odd for me haha. :sweat_smile: But icons looks good!

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website is a little bit weird. I cant click it on my 2nd monitor, but I can click on my main, which looks like this…

It seems like a resolution issue I fixed it by zooming in if it doesn’t work then zoom out