Equipped pets don't appear when player joins game

In my game, when a player has pets equipped, they save and load when the player rejoins the game.

However, sometimes that works, sometimes it does not. I have not figured out what’s different when it does not work.

For each pet a player owns, a folder named after the pet is created under Players[LocalPlayer].Pets
Each pet folder has a bool value for ‘equipped’.

The folders load, the bool value for each pet equipped is displayed correctly, the UI displays owned pets and equipped pets correctly as well, but there is no pet to be seen sometimes. When I then try to unequip the non-visible pet, it naturally gives me an error.

Here is the script that’s supposed to equip the pets when a player joins:

		local Pets = plr:WaitForChild("Pets")
		local Children = Pets:GetChildren()
		local PetsEquipped = {}
		for i = 1,#Children do
			if Children[i].Equipped.Value == true then
				PetsEquipped[#PetsEquipped+1] = Children[i].Pet_ID.Value
		local Offset = 360/(#PetsEquipped)
		local Character = plr.Character
		local CircleRadius = 7.5
			if Character.Parent == workspace then
				for i = 1,#PetsEquipped do
					local PetFolder = getFolder(PetsEquipped[i],plr)
					local Pet = game.ReplicatedStorage.PetLibrary:FindFirstChild(PetFolder.Name):Clone()
					Pet.Pos.Value = GetPointOnCircle(CircleRadius, Offset*i)
					Pet.Pet_ID.Value = PetsEquipped[i]
					Pet.Parent = Character


Could anyone give me pointers?

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I think it might be because you’re waiting for the parent of the Character to change AFTER the character has been added (which by default is to the workspace.)

I’ve just tried the following but that didn’t work:

	local Pets = plr:WaitForChild("Pets")
	local Children = Pets:GetChildren()
	local PetsEquipped = {}
	for i = 1,#Children do
		if Children[i].Equipped.Value == true then
			PetsEquipped[#PetsEquipped+1] = Children[i].Pet_ID.Value
	local Offset = 360/(#PetsEquipped)
	local Character = plr.Character
	local CircleRadius = 7.5
			for i = 1,#PetsEquipped do
				local PetFolder = getFolder(PetsEquipped[i],plr)
				local Pet = game.ReplicatedStorage.PetLibrary:FindFirstChild(PetFolder.Name):Clone()
				Pet.Settings.Pos.Value = GetPointOnCircle(CircleRadius, Offset*i)
				Pet.Pet_ID.Value = PetsEquipped[i]
				Pet.Parent = Character



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Whats the error? Maybe that’ll help.

There is no error. The local script that checks when pets are owned to display it in the UI prints all the correct pets and equip status.

When player spawns server creates a default R15 character and then when the Player:HasAppearanceLoaded() becomes true the server immediately destroys that character and creates a character that matches Player.CharacterAppearanceId. That means you shouldn’t use plr.CharacterAdded (because it fires when default character spawns) but plr.CharacterAppearanceLoaded so it fires once Player:HasAppearanceLoaded() == true.

I hope it works! Good luck!

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Thanks a lot for the explanation! This will probably help with a lot of things in the future as well :slight_smile:

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