Equipping the tool makes player fall

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to make sure the player is not stunned when equipping the tool
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    so randomly, when I equip a tool, it changes my humanoid state to falling down, even when I am on the ground, and it doesn’t let me move. After a second, it changes to getting up, and then everything is fine.
    I don’t any code that sets player’s humanoid state to falling down.

Are you able to share your code? I might be able to help you.

you have to unanchored the tool’s parts

Like I said, none of the code is actually doing anything to the humanoid. I deleted LegController Module, which was from the forums, which seems to helped a bit, but it still stuns the player when they spawn in. Another issue I have is that when I fast switch the weapons, it makes the character fling into the air. All parts are non collidable, massless, and have a separate collision group for the tools, which can’t collide with anything but still does.

They are unanchored; if they was anchored, then it would just TP me somewhere and not let me move at all

make sure that you also attach the tool’s parts together with stuff like weldConstraints so it doesn’t fall apart