EraserHead24 | Translator (3/4 LANGUAGES)

About Me

Hello, I am EraserHead24, a translator. I am from Italy and I can speak fluently French and English (as you might notice), I also know how to speak Portuguese and I am currently studying Chinese. My aim is to increase the importance of translation and multi-language games on this platform.

What can I offer

I am looking for someone who is ready to take the occasion of increasing their game’s player amount;
as a matter of fact, having more languages than just one (i.e. English) will surely increase the amount of players playing your game.

It is shown through many statistics that not only English people play Roblox, but also: Italian, French, Portuguese (both Brazil and Portugal) and many others whom I shall not mention.


As a showcase of my knowledge, I thought of just introducing myself in all of the languages I know;
I worked as translator before yet I have no trace of that.


Ciao a tutti, sono EraserHead24 e sono un traduttore. Sono nato e cresciuto in Italia e ciò fa di me un madrelingua, oltre all’Italiano, so parlare fluentemente il Francese ed il Portoghese, nonostante ci sia sempre qualcosa da imparare.


Hello. I am EraserHead24 as I aforementioned, I am not really sure if you will find this section useful, since I have written the whole resumé in English; however, I wanted to make sure that it would have been the most complete possible. I have been speaking English since I was a child and I consider it as a second language for me, I find no difficulty in speaking it and writing it.


Salut à tous, mon nom est EraserHead24 et je suis traducteur; j’étudie le français à l’école depuis maintenant. Cependant, mon intérêt pour cette langue que je trouve très belle m’a poussé à l’apprendre en autodidacte dès mon plus jeune âge. Je n’ai jamais pu aller en France, mais j’espère pouvoir m’y rendre dès que possible. Deux choses que j’aime énormément avec la France, c’est sa culture et sa cuisine. C’est une merveilleuse nation.


Olá a todos, eu sou EraserHead24 é eu venho da Itália, eu aprendi a falar o Português durante o verão; mais especificamente eu aprendi o Português do Brasil, eu adoro o som desta lingua.
Eu nunca estive no Brasil, mas eu espero ir lá em breve; Portuguesas jogam Roblox e eu penso que um jogo em Português seria muito vantajoso para a vossa comunidade


I am pretty much always available, especially in the afternoon and mostly in the weekends. Due to school, there might be some days in which I am not available, however that is pretty rare.
You can contact me any time and I will try to answer as soon as possible.


Prices are of course negotiable and depend on the amount of phrases to translate.
However, I do only accept payments in $, since I am not active on Roblox, having any Robux would make no use for me.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or on Discord through my ID: Eraser#7886.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile: