The Server’s Roblox Group: SCP Site53 (ER:LC Server) - Roblox
SCP Site53 is the largest SCP roleplay server on Emergency Response: Liberty County, being created on August 18, 2021. Here, you can roleplay as anything you could imagine- such as an anomaly, a member of the Site53 Scientific Department, an agent of the Mobile Task Forces, a state trooper of the Georgia State Patrol, and much more!
Here are some rules that you should know while playing in our Public Access Roleplay Server:
- Full kill is allowed as long as it is not excessive/mass. You may not randomly pop the tires of vehicles or destroy them.
- All shotguns and snipers are banned . The M249 is for MTF Nu-7 roleplayers only.
- Impersonating staff members in any way WILL result in serious consequences.
- Do not break Roblox’s Terms of Service (ToS) such as, but are not limited to: online dating, bypassing filter, etc.
- Do not beg for staff powers, staff members are authorized to kick/ban you depending on how many times you’ve begged.
- SCPF may only pull over people in the Iota-10 or Pi-1 liveries.
- It isn’t required, but when responding to a call, only use the PRTY siren ( Iota-10 and Pi-1 can use the other sirens ).
- You may not full kill anomalies that can’t spread anomalies diseases (you may only kill SCP-008-2, SCP-049-2, SCP-409-2, and SCP-610. Do note that SCP-049 can’t be killed, only his “cured”).
- You may not arrest anomalies (sending them to jail), you can only cuff them to put them in their containment chambers at Site53 (Hospital). Hostiles are kill on sight.
- SCPs may NOT use firearms, only SCP-035. Either roleplay your killings or use a knife.
- We prohibit avatars that are glitchy (rthro avatars that obstruct viewing, invisible avatars, and so on).
- In order to roleplay as an O5 Council member you must be eligible under 2 requirements:
A. Must have access to the 2011 Bullhorn Prancer Pursuit
B. Must have hold 5k+ XP on Law Enforcement (may allow 4.9k+ as well if you’re close enough)
- You are not allowed to use liveries that aren’t eligible for you (Staff Helper, Supporter/Booster, etc).