ER:LC Server SCP Site53 | Rules

The Server’s Roblox Group: SCP Site53 (ER:LC Server) - Roblox

SCP Site53 is the largest SCP roleplay server on Emergency Response: Liberty County, being created on August 18, 2021. Here, you can roleplay as anything you could imagine- such as an anomaly, a member of the Site53 Scientific Department, an agent of the Mobile Task Forces, a state trooper of the Georgia State Patrol, and much more!

Here are some rules that you should know while playing in our Public Access Roleplay Server:

  1. Full kill is allowed as long as it is not excessive/mass. You may not randomly pop the tires of vehicles or destroy them.
  2. All shotguns and snipers are banned . The M249 is for MTF Nu-7 roleplayers only.
  3. Impersonating staff members in any way WILL result in serious consequences.
  4. Do not break Roblox’s Terms of Service (ToS) such as, but are not limited to: online dating, bypassing filter, etc.
  5. Do not beg for staff powers, staff members are authorized to kick/ban you depending on how many times you’ve begged.
  6. SCPF may only pull over people in the Iota-10 or Pi-1 liveries.
  7. It isn’t required, but when responding to a call, only use the PRTY siren ( Iota-10 and Pi-1 can use the other sirens ).
  8. You may not full kill anomalies that can’t spread anomalies diseases (you may only kill SCP-008-2, SCP-049-2, SCP-409-2, and SCP-610. Do note that SCP-049 can’t be killed, only his “cured”).
  9. You may not arrest anomalies (sending them to jail), you can only cuff them to put them in their containment chambers at Site53 (Hospital). Hostiles are kill on sight.
  10. SCPs may NOT use firearms, only SCP-035. Either roleplay your killings or use a knife.
  11. We prohibit avatars that are glitchy (rthro avatars that obstruct viewing, invisible avatars, and so on).
  12. In order to roleplay as an O5 Council member you must be eligible under 2 requirements:

A. Must have access to the 2011 Bullhorn Prancer Pursuit

B. Must have hold 5k+ XP on Law Enforcement (may allow 4.9k+ as well if you’re close enough)

  1. You are not allowed to use liveries that aren’t eligible for you (Staff Helper, Supporter/Booster, etc).

Roblox is having a problem with linking the actual post, just scroll up to the top to look at the rules.

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