Erm, are outlines broken?

It might just be me screwing around with shaders… But the right side doesn’t have shaders applied to it and it just started doing this after an update like 20 mins ago. Because I can’t get the image thing to work right.

What do you mean by “outlines”? Are you talking about the wonky selectionboxes (if that’s what they are?)

They’re looking fine for me – I just updated Studio this morning:

I wasn’t running the game in studio but I just went to test and in studio they won’t even render. I haven’t touched studio with the shaders so I don’t think it would be that.

Check their adornees are set correctly, if they have them.

If they have them I didn’t set them that would be why, thanks, been way too long since I messed with them.

This is actually a bug regarding surface guis. Somebody mentioned a while ago how they were being projected far away from the surface of the part, and that’s what’s going on here. Fun fact there’s no outlines on any of those parts.

Anybody know if this got a fix, or if there is a way to fix it? I’d hate to have to go back and change all the surface gui outlines to selection boxes, but I have a feeling I might have to.

Wow, I should have known that. >.< I mean it’s not like I helped a bit on that game or anything.

honestly I like that look better than the selectionbox ones

That’s actually a feature to help with Z-fighting. If see this sort of stuff, you are too far away from the world origin.

That’s actually a feature to help with Z-fighting. If see this sort of stuff, you are too far away from the world origin.[/quote]
I see it on all surfaceguis no matter how far away they are. I thought this was reported…

EDIT: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub