Error 267 when using GetAsync()

I’m making code to save an integer, dollars, through DataStore. Here is the relevant code:

		sucess, result = pcall(function()
			return dollarTable:GetAsync(player.userId)
		if sucess == false then
		player:Kick("There was an issue retreiving your data. Rejoin, and if you continue to get kicked, contact iiMurpyh. Error: ", result)
			return result

This is run every time a player joins.
At the moment, joining will cause you to immediately be kicked no matter what, with result being set to “(Error Code: 267).”
If anyone knows what this error code means, and how to fix it, it’d be a ton of help. Thanks!

More code please? If you post the full script here, we may be able to help you. Also feel free to privately DM me the script, as I have a Somewhat great experience with datastores too.

You likely do not have code that creates an entry for new players, so whenever they join, no data is found and they are kicked, I wouldn’t have a kick for no data for this very reason.

Also, not very relevant but success is spelled incorrectly.

I found the solution myself. The issue was that dollarTable is a table, and the DataStore was named something else. Figures. : p

Still, the meaning of 267 remains a mystery.

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I did a quick search, and found a very simple result.

Error Code 267 is simply the engine telling the user that an in-game Administrator/ Script has kicked the user, and not another issue such as being AFK for too long and whatnot.

This is not related to your DataStore in any way. This is an error code provided by Roblox (as seen below)


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