Error 403 Forbidden AssetService

local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")

local description = "World generated by an user"

local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")


local PlaceID = AssetService:CreatePlaceAsync(name,1240467309,description)


Output error: Game:CreatePlace received and error: HTTP 403 (Forbidden).

I enabled EVERY permission possible in game settings and configure place, the error keeps popping up I don’t know what to do, is it necessary to publish for settings to save?

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You can only use InsertService with assets which you have permissions to, so basically only assets made by Roblox and assets made by the game’s owner.

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I didn’t know about the feature but 10 min ago I found out abt it and tested it, still didn’t work.

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CreatePlaceAsync 403 Forbidden Error the solution is because it doenst allow u to use that on the roblox studio, only ingame as what it should have mentioned that in documentation or even the error

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If your game is owned by a group the asset you are trying to insert must be owned by the group as well.

It was already mentioned above the message

It is not owned by a group, it is my own game.

did it work atleast, you taked a WHILE to respond

I have no clue what are you talking about

did it work what i mentioned??

Yea the document u sent worked

can i atleast have a solved??? my second solved

oh yea I forgot sorry bro my bad

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