Title says everything itself… Why does this happen?
looks like some visual error to me
if I delete “local something”, it doesn’t put an error in the line where that exact local was used
Can you hover over the “error” and see what it says also did you tried re-launching roblox studio or re openning the script ?
Odd, I take it this is the top of the script… Cut just that part I’m seeing here, make sure everything is deleted to the top of the script. Then paste it back in.
I get the same thing its a studio bug
It says “RunService”, there is nothing else.
Very odd … have you tried creating a new script in it’s place.
Yup, still shows this, no matter what.
this happens to me on adding a variable in a module - this isnt an error, i think this js happens randomly
I hope it’s just visually, it doesn’t affect my script luckily.
it should be, because my scripts run fine with the visual of that orange bar in it.