Error code 268 presisting for 3 months

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
    This isnt my problem but more of my friends problem he has issues with the app (PC) version of roblox.

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
    He cannot connect to roblox games it keeps sending him error code 268 after being in a joining state for a while, the issue started 3 months ago.

  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)

  1. Deleting applications that could interfere with roblox
  2. Changing DNS
  3. Reinstalling Roblox (also has issues with downloading roblox from the installer sometimes but he got the installer working again after some fix, shows up ERROR: 403)
  4. Waiting for a few hours, days, weeks, and now months
  5. Deleting temporary files

Hes forced to use MS version to play roblox now and being limited to MS version could be quite annoying

0.610.0.6100472_20240206T113303Z_Player_68FA2_last (1).log (23.3 KB)


Does he have a plugged in controller or, more specifically, a driving wheel or anything of that sort?
If yes, he should try unplugging it from the PC (specifically the USB port, just plugging the power cable out won’t work).
If no, you should search for similar posts, as I’ve seen plenty (it could be a Windows 11 version issue, or something else).

he has tried unplugging some stuff but still didnt work and finding solutions on google and devforum didnt lead us anywhere because we’ve tried the solutions before but ive never heard of this Windows 11 version issue before can you tell me more about it

It was smth about Roblox crashing on a specific dev Windows 11 version (something like a beta/dev/canary thing), currently can’t find the post, but it was in the engine bugs section. Unfortunately I don’t know much more, hopefully you have found/will find the solution soon. gl

Opened Up a Topic about this some months ago ( ), nothing has changed since then

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I’m late on this but he fixed it by completely reinstalling windows 11 and it fixed it for him, it’s a last resort if this keeps happening for you. I also got this issue but it was because I have program enabled and that program counts as a suspicious program somehow.

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