Error Code 773, Users in Queue cannot teleport (Half of them)

So I have a global queue in my game, but users are getting a teleporting error saying not authorized.
I have 4 users being teleported. Two of which are my computer & phone, and the other two is my friend on his computer and his phone.

It is setup to be a 2v2 so you would need 4 players to join and step on the pad to queue up

It allows my phone and computer to teleport, but he’s restricted and gets this error on both his phone and computer.
Afterwards I tried changing it into a 1v1;
He was able to teleport once but that was it and then it kept breaking

The reason why I bring up it’s global is because the server access code that’s being used to teleport my phone and computer is being sent across one server to another.

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Is the game you are teleporting to private?

I disabled it and tested that as well. They’re both public.

Try it on an alt too to see if its only your main account who can join it.

the problem isn’t joining the game, the problem is being teleported to a private server so the match can start. my alt and my friend’s alt can join the game

Is your game using Reserve Service?

If you are using a table to teleport players, you can try printing the contents of it to see if it has the rest of the players in it.

How are you teleporting the players? If not from a table, then that might be it.

I haven’t used TeleportService much, but I suppose that if you loop-teleport it creates a queue, just like too many Datastore requests to the same key, and when there are too many requests, it just cancels them.

Try to not loop, and use methods like TeleportService:TeleportPartyAsync(placeId, playersTable, teleportInfo) with tables instead.

It doesn’t sound like it comes from a table-teleport.

If the player wasn’t in the array already, the player wouldn’t of even received a message stating that their teleport failed.

Otherwise, I would just make sure to check through the Roblox Wiki and ensure your scripts for handling Reserving a server for teleporting is all up to code.

yea it’s doing all of that. it works sometimes, but then alot of times it doesnt

How exactly do you teleport? What function/method of TeleportService are you using? Are you looping(for, while, repeat until)?

Hey Roblox I heard you were looking into this, have you found a solution yet?

I’m also getting this issue, anytime I try to play a game of Entry Point. It’s pretty annoying, would be cool to see it resolved. :smiley:

has anyone roblox been able to find a solution? just curious

Found a solution: Instead of teleporting players as a group, teleport them each individually.
for _,Player in pairs(Group_Of_Players) do TeleportService:TeleportToPrivateServer(PlaceId, Access_Code ,{Player}) end