Error code 773 when teleporting

ok, I’ll try to figure it out.

could you try teleporting the players individually instead of a table of players, as I think it usually occurs when teleporting a group.

I don’t know if this is the solution though.

the error says the game isnt published so try publish your GAME, also YOU cant telelport while in studio. Check the output window for actual Error

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i have - check the first screenshot

i could try it - im guessing i, v loop to send them all to the private server?

OUTPUT window not CONSOLE is the in view>view Roblox

I’ve found a fix that should work for almost everyone as it worked for me and it’s pretty simple.
1.Open up the place that your trying to teleport to Ex:Trying to teleport to place A to place B, open place B
2. put any object inside of Place B
3. Press Alt + P to publish or go to File > Publish to Roblox

If it does not work then repeat step 3 until it does

I hope that i helped!

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Uhh… I had this same issue recently and I just ended up figuring out one of the games didn’t have “3rd party invites enabled.”

Go to FIle > Game Settings > Security > Allow Third Party Teleports (Turn this on)

This is what worked for me, not sure if it had been said before.

I know this post is a year old but I’ll leave this for future devs who’ll encounter the same error. If you ever get this error then go to both places (the one you want from teleport to and the one you want to teleport to) and go to file → publish to roblox. (Make sure the main place is also published, aka the place the player joins when they join your roblox game).

Basically, you need to have both places published in order to make that work. Also keep in mind you can’t teleport inside roblox studio, you must do that outside of it.

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