Error creating target texture

Never seen this one before.

  1. Had studio open with laptop connected to external monitor
  2. Unplug monitor
  3. Plug in TV
  4. Watch Outlander
  5. Unplug TV
  6. Plug in monitor
  7. All 3D windows in all instances of Studio that I have open don’t recover (they render white)
  8. Get this error in output

In general I would say that the 3D contexts are less stable on Win 10 than they are on my Win 7 machine. I have a NV 980m and 16 GB of RAM.


That must be why.

You just can’t appreciate it on all the levels that I can.

I’ve gotcha beat:

I’m pretty sure the same happens if my GPU driver crashes (and restarts after a second or so)
Actually the only time I remember this properly was when my GPU drivers were updating.
Updating it restarts the GPU driver or something related, giving me the same error.

No need to make an outlandish claim :wink:

Either way, I work with multiple monitors and have never had this happen to me before. I don’t unplug them/replug them often as they’re DVI connectors but when I screw around with my Pi I have to use a HDMI-DVI adaptor which entails unplugging my monitor, plugging it into the Pi, and using it.

Yes, this error would normally appear if the GPU driver crashes or you update the drivers or if you have a dock with an external GPU and you undock it.

This should not happen when the monitors are unplugged; if it does NVidia should change their drivers to stop doing that. Handling the “removed device” error is not something we’d want to do on our end.

I would believe it.

Video drivers on Win 10 are still a total mess.

I’ve also noticed some stickiness here when I drag the Studio window to the edge of my screen (to use the Windows behavior where dragging the window to the edge of the screen automatically splits it to make it take up half the monitor real estate). Sometimes it is instant. Other times it freezes Studio for 5 seconds. Maybe also a driver issue.

All I did this time was create a new document.

Comes back 5 seconds later.