Error: Lacking Capability RobloxScript?

Whenever i try to equip a gear in-game I get this error:

If the gear was already in starterplayer, I don’t get the error but if it’s given to the player after joining then I do get the error and it just refuses to equip.

Help appreciated.

Wdym to equip a gear?

When you mean tool by gear you can just reparent the tool to the target players character (on server script) to do this on client you need to either have the tool in your backpack or in the workspace. Humanoid:EquipTool() would equip it

I don’t understand. It’s being parented to the backpack with a serverScript, i never even mentioned how it was parented? I’m only worried about the error and the fact that it prevents me from equipping the tools.

I’m not trying to force the player to equip it, that has nothing to do with this lol. Literally ,all the code does is put the tool into the backpack for the player to use.

Oh so you mean everytime you equip a tool it does show that error?

Yeah. But for some reason (as said), it only happens with gears manually given to the player (as opposed to being in starterpack from the beginning).

Another thing I should mention is that I’m using a custom CoreGUI pack with its own backpack code, could that be causing it?

Okay it’s definitely the custom gui as everything seems to work after deleting the custom scripts.

It’s using the official backpack script, v5.1, is that causing it?

Yeah its probably causing it. For some reason it tries to call a function that is not meant to be used by a normal script but rather for Roblox’s internals

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Could you send a link to it so I can look into it?

The script or the entire gui pack?

Only the script would be enough

OLDBackpackScript.lua (63.9 KB)

OLDBackpackScript.lua (63.7 KB)
I hope I fixed it

I’m not getting the error but it still won’t let me equip the tools…

Can you send me the whole GUI pack and the gear’s .rbxm file so I can replicate the issue?

classic paths GEAR.rbxm (13.6 KB)
gui KIT.rbxm (223.5 KB)

The gear is an very old path gear but i’m 100% that it’s NOT part of the issue because it works fine without the GUI.

I found the issue! It’s because the gear is using a very deprecated system that is deprecated since 2015. I am gonna try to update it and then send it here

How come the issue only occurs with the gui?

Is the issue “touched is not a child”? Because i’ve already ruled that out as separate.

The gui has lack of support for HopperBin’s(The gear “system”) So I would either fix the gear or the gui

The kit i used also has another variant with hopperBin support, I’ll try that and get back to you

I just checked and it seems like Roblox completely made it impossible to equip HopperBins with a script. Only Roblox’s corescripts can equip it now. But no worry I am rn rewriting the whole gear

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