Error Logging Client-sided, sans exploiter abuse

The title says it all. How can I log errors coming from LocalScripts that aren’t inserted by exploiters for malicious purposes?

I currently have an external database that logs all incoming errors returned by ScriptContext.Error, and I was wondering how I would go against filtering errors sent by genuinely scripts and ones created by exploiters.

Any help would be appreciated!

Well, it would only be a matter of using a remote. And that would be abused.

Exploiters can just wrap their code in a pcall and no exceptions would be emitted by that script, so not sure why you are trying to do this.

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That’s what I was thinking. I might just have to rely on player feedback. Oh well.

Maybe just flag errors coming from the client so you know to be cautious? Add some spam detection in case a client is trying to flood you with fake errors (should have some sort of rate limiting anyway?) and it’s probably still better then not having the data at all. If multiple clients are having the same error, it’s not very likely that it’s some exploiter trying to waste your time — not the most interesting way to exploit games either I imagine.

The worst they’d be able to do is probably stop me from posting to my database for a while in-game, if they bypass my rate limit checker. I’ll probably just check if a bunch of clients are sending the same error.