Error making something visible = False

Hey there, I am trying to make a script so that when a Roblox player on mobile enters a car, the PC gauge will go away and you will only see the mobile support buttons.

My issue I am having is that even though the script (displayed below) should be successfully making the gauge invisible, it is just maxing out all of the numbers on it and making the car no longer usable. I am wondering if maybe there is some script somewhere else that is countering the script I added and is causing this.

So far I have tried to do my own research throughout the Forum and I haven’t found any results. From there, I sent some messages to my good friend MasterDiagnose to see if he could figure it out, and he could not. Then, I came here.

Here is the script I mentioned in my second paragraph:

if Buttons.Visible == true then
	script.Parent.Parent.Plugins.CUSTOM_GAUGE.Gauge.Visible = false

Please help me out, and I am sure there is someone out there that will look at this and think it is the easiest thing ever. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks!

Here is an image of what is happening if you didn’t understand what I was saying.

Can’t help ya, hope a scripter can however. With you look. I’m looking to find out the issue aswell

Unfortunately, this isn’t the answer you’re going to want to hear.

You simply haven’t supplied enough information to be helped accurately. Your issue could be any number of things between that part of your script literally not executing because of the loads of errors I can see in your console, or it could be something entirely different.

Really no one can say since we don’t know anything here, you could do well to post more about your issue, thanks.

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Quite frankly I expected an answer similarly to this. Although, due to the fact that I am not too experienced in scripting, I do not necessarily know what I should add. If you have any ideas, I will happily take them. If you want, then I could add you or someone else to a team create to help.