Error not showing up in output window?

A quick note: I am using a plugin and module that adds a Global framework type, linked here (Global framework), and all the block comments are usually for defining global types

For seemingly no reason, when I try calling an error (via the error() function), the thread stops executing, but no error shows up in the output.

Main script with the bug

Utility script

Testing it more, calling an error above the require line in that image does appear in the output, as well as disabling all my plugins and testing. Using print() after the require also works, but other scripts don’t run into the issue, so I imagine its something to do with my Utility script and the coroutines within in, but checking it shows theres no apparent issues with that.

A private message is associated with this bug report

maybe try replacing coroutine.resume(thread) with task.spawn(thread) see if that helps in any way

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coroutine.resume() returns success and error message if the thread errored or whatever you put in coroutine.yield(…)

If the thread waited before erroring, It’ll output the error normally.

task.spawn/defer/delay don’t have this behavior, so you should use them instead if you don’t need to get what coroutine.resume() returns, like in your script.

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