I’m trying to make a module to ease the work for making cutscenes, but when I’m making a Local Output function, I found that it gave me this error while trying to run this function :
This is the code I wrote in case needed, this is written in a ModuleScript by the way
local function output(func, msg)
func(((func == error() and "EasyCutscene Error :") or "EasyCutscene : ")..msg)
-- This should've print or warn when called, but it just gave an error
And I ran the function for test purpose, this is the code :
if not v.Duration then -- This condition is achieved, as for test purpose
output(error, tostring(
"Duration not found in passed Dictionary (CutsceneInfo Section : "..i)
It evantually gave me the “Error occurred, no output from Lua” Error, but why, and how do I fix this, can anyone explain? Any help is apperciated!