Error "Passed value is not a function" on a touch event script

Hello! I’m having a problem on a script that when a part gets touched on the Workspace, it pops up an GUI and makes a typewriter text effect, but i get an error and it just executes by itself without the player having to touch the part, here’s the script:

local HitBox = game.Workspace.HitBox
local DialogueBox = game.StarterGui.DialogueGui.DialogueFrameOutline
local DialogueText = DialogueBox.DialogueFrame.Dialogue

local function typeWriter(s)
	local newString
	for i = 0, s:len(), 1 do
		newString = s:sub(1, i)
		DialogueText.Text = newString

local function onTouch()
	DialogueBox.Visible = not DialogueBox.Visible
	typeWriter("Hello! Welcome to the tutorial!")

HitBox.Touched:Connect(onTouch()) --ERROR: Attempt to connect failed: Passed value is not a function

The error is on the line 20 if you didn’t notice, how can i fix this?

Remove the (), you’re calling it, not passing it

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