Error pops up when trying to delete the default hold tool animation

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want a tool to get rid of the default hold animation when equipped.
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I made it work, but I get an error that is pretty explanatory saying that load animation requires the asset id to not be empty.
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I looked on the devforum and found this topic: How to delete the “Hand up” animation that plays when equipping a tool?
    The solution wasn’t really what I was looking for though because I just don’t want any animation to happen when the tool gets equipped. That topic requires an idle animation.

Local script inside tool:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local dbtable = {}

	local playeranimationscript = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Animate")
	playeranimationscript:WaitForChild("toolnone"):WaitForChild("ToolNoneAnim").AnimationId = ""
		if player and not dbtable[player.Name] then
			dbtable[player.Name] = true
			local loaddab = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.DabAnimation)
			dbtable[player.Name] = false

Error: 13:55:23.813 - LoadAnimation requires the asset id to not be empty

The animate script attempts to load the blank animation, and throws an error.

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Don’t delete it, overwrite it with another animation

But I want it to just be what the r6 animation is.

Try doing something like.

Animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0"

Then make an animation that replicates it. It’s not hard.
Here’s what I did in about 30 seconds

This gave me another error saying that it couldn’t load it in but the animation itself still works.

I don’t want it like that though. I just want it to be the default r6 animation.

You can’t do that. R6 and R15 are incompatible with each other, in terms of animations. R6 has one part to represent the arm (Arm) but R15 breaks the arm into 3 (UpperArm, LowerArm, Hand). R6 can not read R15 animations, and vice versa, without porting it somehow.
For what you’re trying to do, porting is too much work.

I probably should have mentioned that my game is only r6. All I want is to get rid of the default tool hold animation so that it just plays the r6 animations.

Oh, I’m not too sure then. I don’t think deleting the animation is what you should do, though. Try and think of something else.

I’m pretty sure there was a way where when you put a folder into starter character called Character it will disable the default animations.

Update! I have solved my issue. Thank you to everyone who helped me!