Error Report analytics are missing some server warnings

The analytics page is missing many server warnings we log. We can see these warnings when we join servers and take a look at the server logs, but we can’t see them in the analytics.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hi Rio:
This is because we limit the number of unique errors and earnings per experience. You will be able to collect unique warnings up to 500 every 6 hours. So if you have some custom warnings that definitely can be logged but if it is very customized with specific information like userid it will quickly use up the limit and cannot be logged anymore. The upper limit is to help our system hold the traffic and prevent any experience abusing the log so hope you understand it.

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Okay, I understand, however I find that to be a very frustrating design given that the majority of logs that get created are completely irrelevant and outside of our control…

There are just pages and pages of irrelevant logs containing detailed information in the way you are recommending we don’t do, while the logs I actually care about are bouncing because of the 500 limit.

There’s like one or two custom warnings here, and the rest are just run-of-the-mill request failures, client-side exploits, bugs in the core script code, etc.

This should be documented. Some games emit frequent warnings using warn() simply as a logging mechanism for Developers (some containing unique information like usernames/user IDs), and games like this would highly benefit from knowing why this feature is barely working for them.

I also suggest a separate limit for both server and client errors, as if an exploiter knows about this feature and decides to come into my game and spam 500 different errors, then this feature is rendered completely useless for the next 6 hours.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will talk to our team to update the documentation about the limitations.
And if some unique info like userName and userId are logged, then devconsole is still the best place to capture all logs that specific for a certain user while they are playing.


Hi Roman:
I think we have that document up to date now. Error Report | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub