Can someone help this problem? I cannot buy the pass but i already make it sell able in the gamepass configure
Help me please.
Help me please.
Can you link the gamepass here?
can you show us the scipt to fix it
are you using MarketPlace:PromptProductPurchase() this happened to me while using this. You should use MarketPlace:PromptGamePassPurchase() instead
How to do that? I’m a bad scripter lol
just replace PromptProductPurchase with PromtGamePassPurchase
can you show how to do it? with video please
Make sure you are returning game pass purchase granted, it’s an Enum.
okay i will try to use market place service
i don’t really good at english so can you just give the tutorial?
i already tried with change to PromptGamePassPurchase but its still didn’t work
I should see script i cant know what is problem whit current information actually. This way i’m just trying to guess what is problem
Oh Thank you for your help but the scripts already works! Thank you