Error when attempting to clone in a ScrollingFrame

I’m designing a police database system. When I display the arrests logged in the arrests datastore, I clone a Frame inside of a ScrollingFrame, I receive this error.

12:33:10.649 - Record is not a valid member of ScrollingFrame
12:33:10.650 - Stack Begin
12:33:10.650 - Script 'Players.Deferend.PlayerGui.Database.Functions', Line 60 - field displayArrests
12:33:10.651 - Script 'Players.Deferend.PlayerGui.Database.Information.Data', Line 20
12:33:10.653 - Stack End

Record is a Frame, it’s being cloned with :Clone(), and it’s in a ScrollingFrame. I can’t figure out why there’s an error being thrown. (Note: The ScrollingFrame is inside another Frame, which is in a ScreenGui.)

Did you parent the frame after using :Clone()?


Maybe it didn’t load yet, and if so use :WaitForChild()
But if that is not the case; can you please show us a script to see what’s wrong?

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Can we see the function its in?

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It turns out the issue was that I hadn’t parented the frame. Thanks, @anon81993163 - I didn’t know I needed to do that!

Remember to mark his post as the solution so that others who come to this post that wish to help you know your problem is solve, and alternatively, others with a similar issue know where to look for help. :slight_smile:

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