Error when exporting blender model in fbx format

Well, I don’t know if this post should go here. I am having a problem and it is that when exporting my model divided into 5 parts, it gives me an error when exporting

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Did you unwrap and edit the UV map for all five? Any vertices out-of-bounds in the map?

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I’m looking at that, I can’t find anything out of place

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Did you manually edit the UV map? Try individually unwrapping the parts’ UVs via cube projection and see if they export. Save your file though in-case you need to get back.

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Apparently also, each part has more than 10,000 triangles. I don’t think this has more than 10,000 triangles

Ah, I did not edit anything or anything, I just molded the model and divided it into 5 parts

Yes, just noticed your statistics, 122k triangles could be creating a problem. Try editing each model individually and cleaning it up using Merge (vertices) and Limited Dissolve (I would do 0.5 to 5 degrees to retain looks). Then unwrap the UV and try to export again