Im currently making an animator bundle tester and have come across this problem where when i try to load an animation from the bundle (retrieved from AssetService:GetBundleDetailsAsync(...)
) and trying to load it as such:
CurrentAnimationId = HumanoidDescription[AnimationType]
Animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" ..CurrentAnimationId
AnimationTrack = Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation) -- Error here
it throws out "Failed to load animation with sanitized ID rbxassetid://18538133604: AnimationClip loaded is not valid."
yet the the humanoidDescription parented to a character plays the animation without any problem
- Yes the animationId is valid and works under he humanoidDescription
- I looked through other posts and they can be summed up as: You don’t own the animation, id is invalid
but im sure the id is valid but im not sure if the fact it’s roblox owned and not mine is the problem
alright here’s the solution i found:
The problem was the fact i didn’t own the animation what you want to do is use InsertService
and call InsertService:LoadAsset(AnimationId)
from the server and extract the animation from there, here’s the function i got for extracting the animation (Worked in all test cases):
local AnimationTypes = {
local AnimationNamesList = {
use the tables above to get the animationName and use the function below to extract the animation object
local KeyframeSequenceProvider = game:GetService("KeyframeSequenceProvider")
function GetLoadedAnimation(AnimationModel: Model, AnimationName)
local KeyFrameSequence = AnimationModel:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('KeyframeSequence')
if KeyFrameSequence then
local HashId = KeyframeSequenceProvider:RegisterKeyframeSequence(KeyFrameSequence)
local Animation ='Animation')
Animation.AnimationId = HashId
return Animation
local AnimationsList = AnimationModel:WaitForChild('R15Anim'):WaitForChild(AnimationName):GetChildren()
local TopWeight = 0
local TopWeightAnimation
if (#AnimationsList > 1) then
for _, Animation in AnimationsList do
local Weight = Animation:WaitForChild('Weight', 3)
if Weight and (Weight.Value > TopWeight) then
TopWeight = Weight.Value
TopWeightAnimation = Animation
TopWeightAnimation = AnimationsList[1]
return TopWeightAnimation
and lastly here’s the server-side code i’m using to retrieve the animations (Wouldn’t really recommend using remoteFunctions but it is what it is):
local InsertService = game:GetService('InsertService')
function YieldData(func, ...)
local Data
local success = false
local SearchIndex = 1
local args = {...}
while (not success) do
success = pcall(function()
Data = func(table.unpack(args))
if (success) then break end
SearchIndex += 1
return Data
local LoadedAnimations = {}
GetAnimation.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, AnimationId)
if (not AnimationId) then Player:Kick() end
AnimationId = tonumber(AnimationId)
local Animation = LoadedAnimations[AnimationId]
if (Animation) then return Animation end
Animation = YieldData(InsertService.LoadAsset, InsertService, AnimationId)
Animation.Parent = Animations
LoadedAnimations[AnimationId] = Animation
return Animation
Make sure to cache animations in case of multiple requests