Error when playing animation

So i’m working on a game, and I’ve made an animation for a tool, but whenever I play the animation in a localscript, this error prints out


Things to know:
- The game is not mine, I’m working on a shared game
- Getting my friend to upload the animations himself still printed out this error
- A temporary fix was instead of uploading it, replacing an old unsued animation with it but today it stopped working for god knows what reason

- It’s just a very simple punch animation
- I read somewhere that you have to wait for moderation, I’ve been waiting for 3 days as of rn
- Using ContentProvider service to preload the animations still did not work

please, help...

Apparently this got fixed according to a post made in the bug reports section. A staff member. It had nothing to do with waiting for moderation. Heres a link to the post.


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