Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID

This error seems quite new to me. I have never seen it before.


  • The ID in the output is completely unrelated to the animationID and usually links to games
  • The animation was published to a group and everyone should be able to see it
  • The animation only plays ingame outside of studio

What is the meaning of this error?


Really odd… I’m dealing with this too currently. Can confirm; leads to random stuff like shirts and places. Nothing that I own.


Hmm, I’ve never seen this error before.

I would use your explorer tab and type this in


I would try using it first while just in studio and second by doing a playtest and searching just in case the item is being added after the fact.


Using .AnimationId = rbxassetid:hasn’t yielded any results.

I’ve also tried this function.

Running this command will show that there’s no results that can be returned pre-runtime… Something’s happening during runtime.

local assetIDs = {716556492, 619535091} 

local ancestor = game --[[ or game.Selection:Get()[1] -- you can use this for manual selections if you want ]]

local function checkPropertiesForID(instance, property)
    local ItemID = string.match(instance[property], "%d+")
    local found_id = table.find(assetIDs, ItemID)
    return found_id

for _, d in pairs(ancestor:GetDescendants()) do
      if not d:IsA("Animation") then continue end
      local found_id = checkPropertiesForID(d, "AnimationId")
      if not found_id then continue end
      warn(d, found_id)

Did you try to run it while in play testing?

You can also use CTRL+SHIFT+F to do a global script search and see if that id is listed anywhere throughout the game.

If you can’t find anything there, I would check out your plugins, make sure you only have trusted plugins and nothing that is a known backdoor.


I have seen the same error happen with my very own animation. It’s an unusual one and seems to be device-dependent. For example, on my computer the animation plays correctly, but on my friend’s pc it doesn’t work, giving this error.


My theory is that it has something to do with Phase 3 of the Animation Runtime Update. Where it removes all legacy code and forces all games to run the latest animation engine. Not sure though.


Tried it in a live-server, on the server’s perspective; made no difference.

local assetIDs = {091970923, 716556492, 9210171885, 922018198, 0967046431}

local ancestor = game

local function checkPropertiesForID(instance, property)
    local ItemID = string.match(instance[property], "%d+")
    local found_id = table.find(assetIDs, ItemID)
    return found_id

for _, d in pairs(ancestor:GetDescendants()) do
      if not d:IsA("Animation") then continue end
      local found_id = checkPropertiesForID(d, "AnimationId")
      if not found_id then continue end
      warn(d, found_id)

Using CTRL+SHIFT+F to do a global script search also brought up nothing.

It definitely seems like a bug on Roblox’ part.


I’ve got the same error, I ignored it though I’m more curious about what the source is.


Yeah, I would move this topic over to #bug-reports:studio-bugs and see if anyone can help you more there. This is a really weird error.

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Having this issue too.
Noticed that the IDs mentioned in the error are missing the first digit of the actual ID being used


I’ve been experiencing this and it’s tragically breaking a lot of weapons and NPCs in my game (they rely on keyframe events which aren’t loading cuz the anim is broken!)

Hoping roblox fixes this fast


Yeah super weird, It’s happening to my game as well now. I would definitely transfer this topic to #bug-reports:studio-bugs—that way it’s reported as a bug and not for scripting help.


That’s happening to me as well…


I do not have access to that forum section. But someone has already made a bug report seen here:

Hope this gets resolved soon.


I believe this is a bug on Roblox’s part:

I’ve received over 7.7K error messages in my recent game regarding the same thing…


gonna cry if this is a bug i just wanted to test out a script

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Roblox prevents you from running animations you don’t own in Roblox Studio (for security reasons). It will work normally in game as you said. (And yes even if the animation is public, you still won’t be able to run it in studio)

When roblox gives an id error to the output log, it changes the id in some way so it’s different. so if your animation id was 14534506851 then the output log says 4534506851 (Idk why or how it changes the id but it seems to just delete the “1” in front). The error is still related to the animation you’re talking about.

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This is not why this error is appearing. If I didn’t own the animation, it would simply say “Failed to load animation”, without the “sanitized ID” part. This sanitized ID error has also recently been happening to assets other than animations (namely skyboxes).

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this seems to be recent issue. im experiencing the same thing but only now. another thing i have noticed is that if you publish your animation, even under your name, it doesn’t show up on your profile’s inventory.