this is the error i recieve
these are the some of the setting in blender
Roblox import settings
any idea on how to fix the problem?
- What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
- What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
- What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)
You may then include any further details.
the errors shown are roblox studio errors,
In roblox sudio select all the parts of your mesh and uncheck anchored in the properties.
as for the moter6ds I’m not quite sure but if you add joints between the separate parts then it might work?
Also it seems like you have some warnings on the roblox import… what are those?
Sorry if this is stuff you already know…
I’m new to animating so have made LOTS of mistakes recently trying to figure out how to get stuff all working properly.
I’ve never used Blender.
In Roblox Studio, you need to have a humanoidrootpart in your model, roughly the size and position of the torso (or, main part of your model).
WELD the torso to the humanoidrootpart.
From there, Motor6d joint anything that moves.
For this I’m going to assume your model is a dolphin. So the torso is welded to the HRP, then you have a Motor6d from the torso to the first tail piece (where it meets the spine).
Then a Motor6d from that tail piece to the second tail piece.
Then second to third.
At the bottom, you might weld the two tail tips to the final moving tail piece (assuming that’s needed).
JUST the HRP is anchored.
(Sorry if I’ve just spoken to you like you’re dumb, that’s just a problem I ran into a lot over the last couple weeks cause I actually AM dumb lol).