Hello everyone. I’ve been trying to upload audio on Roblox for the past 20 minutes with no luck.
I first tried to upload via the creator dashboard, however I am met an error saying “Asset creation failed. Please try again later.”
I tried using an .ogg file instead of .mp3, but I got the same result.
So after looking on the forum, I guess it solved the issue for some people to upload via the Asset Manager on studio itself, however i am met with the error of “This type of file is not supported.” (tried both .ogg and .mp3, once again)
I’m truly stuck, what do I do in my situation? Please help me, thanks.
. Make sure the audio length is shorter than 7 minutes and size is lower than 20 MB
. Make sure the audio isn’t originated from Youtube
. Make sure the audio isn’t against TOS
. Uploading at web
. Contact ROBLOX support if the issue continues, with the screenshot of the error message (This
should help alot)
Yeah, all the audio im trying to upload i generated using SAM (Software Automatic Mouth), so no copyright issues should be present. I’ll try to contact support. Thanks for your response