Error with message in chat

I have a script, when some action is performed, such as a ban, a message is sent to the chat, but the problem is that when another user comes in, the same message appears again, but the user is not given a ban, how can I fix this with the message?
(local script)

local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local SystemChannel: TextChannel = TextChatService:FindFirstChild("RBXSystem", true)

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Server.CommandMessage3:FireAllClients("Admin "..Client.Name.." banned player".. " ("..content..")")

Can you provide more detail?
When does the game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Server.CommandMessage3 fire?

local module = {
	Name = 'Kick',
	Description = "Kicked player",
	Location = "Player",

module.Execute = function(Client, Type, Attachment)
	if Type == "command" then
		local player = module.API.getPlayerWithName(Attachment)
		local cp = require(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.SystemPackages.Settings)
		if cp.Permissions[cp.Admins[Attachment]] and cp.Permissions[cp.Admins[Attachment]].Priority>=cp.Permissions[cp.Admins[Client.Name]].Priority then
			return false
		if player then
			local Input = module.API.sendModalToPlayer(Client, "Reason").Event:Wait()
			local Status
			Status, Input = module.API.filterText(Client, Input)
			if not Input or Input=="" then Input="" end

			local success, result = module.API.filterText(Client, Input)

			if success and result then
				player:Kick(Client.Name.. " ("..Input..")) kicked")
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Server.CommandMessage3:FireAllClients("Admin "..Client.Name.." banned player".. " ("..content..")")
				return true
			return false

return module

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